Raw JPEG, XCF (GIMP) or EPS (Adobe Illustrator) downloads section.

(if needed ask me to do a differen't conversion from OpenOffice Draw WNYmathGuy@yahoo.com)

Visual Image of File Output

Brief Description of Use

Extra Imagery
Thanks to Wid Horner for getting me started on the Colorado decals now available on the State pages.  To make the Colorado button and state decal pages I needed to create this.  I think others will find it handy.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”]

You'll need this program to open the file linked to the left.
This file is a 4 layer 2881x2881 pixel GIMP file

Beware of clicking this link!  It's 14 Meg's of GIMP file.  It's similar to a Photoshpop file, but it's a GIMP file.  You merely drop in the image you need in the blank layer to tuck it under the blanket of semi-transparent stripes.  You will need to download and install GIMP, but it is free; legally free by the GNU.

Click this link for a 22 Meg experimental Photoshop Export from GIMP.
Thanks to Katie Maher from little-town PA whose passion for the campaign has inspired this design of hers.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”]
413KB Jpeg file of a Pennsylvania Obama Liberty Bell for Button Production.

Clicking this link will begin downloading a graphic to display in your browser, and you probably don't want that.  Instead, you should use your right click button while mousing over the image, and then choosing to save the target to your computer.  If you have a button company to produce this for you, you should have them download it directly.
Not necessary.
Thanks to Katie Maher from little-town PA whose passion for the campaign has inspired this design of hers.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”]

You'll need this program to open the file linked to the left.
This is the file I make the button graphic above with! 1200x1200 pixels

Beware of clicking this link!  It is almost 1.9Meg's of GIMP file.  It's similar to a Photoshpop file, but it's a GIMP file.  It's layered so that you can reposition the Bell, and add other elements like text before re-exporting the output as a JPEG or even as a Photoshop image.  You will need to download and install GIMP, but it is free; legally free by the GNU.
Thanks to Katie Maher from little-town PA whose passion for the campaign has inspired the growing line of Penn State imagery.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”]

You'll need this program to open the file linked to the left.
This file is a Cleaned Liberty Bell 938x1193 pixels

Beware of clicking this link!  It is almost 3.3Meg's of GIMP file.  It's similar to a Photoshpop file, but it's a GIMP file.  This file has one layer and it's got an alpha channel,  It it merely handy for dropping onto other artwork to convey a message.  You will need to download and install GIMP, but it is free; legally free by the GNU.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”]

You'll need this program to open the file linked to the left.
This is the file I make the state logo's with!

Beware of clicking this link!  It is almost 4Meg's of GIMP file.  It's similar to a Photoshpop file, but it's a GIMP file.  It's layered so that you need only change the layer with the state to yours and re-export the output as a JPEG.  You will need to download and install GIMP, but it is free; legally free by the GNU.  See the bottom of this long page for a GIMP download link.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”] 1.7MB Jpeg file of a Texas worthy Obama banner sign.

Beware of clicking this link!  You will begin downloading a giant graphic to display in your browser.  Instead, you should use your right click button while mousing over the image, and then choosing to save the target to your computer.  It has an intended print size of 52” wide by 49” tall at 72dpi, and if you have a banner company to print this for you, you should have them download it directly.
Not necessary.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”] 743KB Jpeg file of the standard Obama Blue Rally sign.

Beware of clicking this link!  You will begin downloading a giant graphic to display in your browser.  Instead, you should use your right click button while mousing over the image, and then choosing to save the target to your computer.  It has an intended print size of 42” wide by 32” tall, and if you have a banner company to print this for you, you should have them download it directly.
Not necessary.
[you should probably right click this and choose to “Save Target As...”] 1.55MB Jpeg file of 30” Obama “O”

Beware of clicking this link!  You will begin downloading a giant graphic to display in your browser.  Instead, you should use your right click button while mousing over the image, and then choosing to save the target to your computer.  It has an intended print size of 30” wide by 30” tall, and if you have a banner company to print this for you, you should have them download it directly.
Not necessary.
[You probably DO NOT want to click this! Professional Graphic Artists ONLY!] 4.92MB EPS file of 30” Obama “O”

Beware of clicking this link!  You will begin downloading a ginormous Encapsulated Postscript file that is only of use to sign making companies.  If you are planning on having a vinyl sign making company create a 3 foot wide banner, you would be well advised to tell them to download this file directly.  This file type is for Adobe Illustrator software and was an export from OpenOffice.org Draw.  I had no way to test this file export, but it worked good with StarOffice 6.? and OpenOffice is comming from nearly the same programming crew.
Not necessary.
Below is something just sent to me by Darlene Matthews in California (everybody has an impact :), and was apparently created by Raad Ghantous just this year (I'm just posting this one for them and didn't create any of it)
[You probably DO NOT want to click this! Professional Graphic Artists ONLY!]
5.2MB JPEG file of “Yes Obama 08”

Beware of clicking this link!  You will begin downloading a ginormous j-peg file that is only of use to sign making companies.  If you are planning on having a vinyl sign making company create a 4 foot wide banner, you would be well advised to tell them to download this file directly.  Even if your full color print settings were at 300dpi it would be an 18“ wide poster.  This will easily make a beautiful 4 foot wide banner!
IF YOU USE THIS!!! Please send me (WNYmathGuy@yahoo.com) a picture to put here.  It would warm the artists heart to see his work being used.